
IQ Water makes more out of water.

Due to the low drinking/fresh water reserves, it is particularly important that we humans deal well with the scarce reserves. In many places in our world, the waterworks filters are not good enough. The IQ Water System is our solution: physical water refinement for the finest, natural water. The inner workings are based on the finest, nature-friendly elements, which help the water to completely change the structure of the water through strong turbulence systems and the subsequent processes, so that harmful substances such as viruses, bacteria and germs can be deprived of their usual basis for life. IQ Water refined water can create a harmonizing effect. IQ refined water is originally pure, can stimulate the metabolism and strengthen the immune system. IQ Water refined water impresses with its excellent taste. Ideal for animals, plants, people and all processes that use water.

What can our IQ Water system do?

The IQ Water System provides positive signals:

IQ Water System for agriculture

Re-activated water to improve your production

IQ-Water for industry

Reactivated water to improve your systems and production processes

IQ Water System for humans

Reactivated water to improve your quality of life

IQ-Water device sizes

Installation examples from the economic sector

Anyone who works with water dives into a sea full of possibilities.

Water is so commonplace, but ultimately the source of all life and an important adjusting screw for health and balance in nature. Our system shows measurable success in all areas in a short time. In addition, the physical refinement of water is necessary due to the constantly increasing pollution of water. The following article gives you an idea of possible contamination in our drinking water.

To receive your personal offer, please contact us.

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